New Mural Highlights the Power of Education

Margaret Walker Mural Transforming the Future

On January 26, the 金光佛论坛 of Education unveiled a new mural during its annual winter retreat. The mural, titled "Transforming the Future,鈥 celebrates the power of education.

Inspired by the college鈥檚 new tagline, 鈥淭ransforming Education for Good,鈥 and the relief sculpture created by retired Art Professor Randall Craig, the mural鈥檚 triptych design features outer panels depicting a learner and an educator, while the central panel showcases their hands separately holding a seedling and tree, symbolizing the nurturing of knowledge.

鈥淲e see [the mural] as a continuation of Dr. Craig鈥檚 work鈥 a sort of visual conversation between the two pieces,鈥 said Associate Clinical Professor Margaret Walker. 鈥淗is sculpture [highlights] the history and purpose of education, while also looking toward the future in a positive way. We used these ideas to guide the design of our mural.鈥

The project was led by Jessica Brown 鈥23, a graduate student in the arts education program. Brown helped faculty, staff and students create colorful patterned papers using gelli-plates. She also worked with undergraduate students in the Foundations of Art Education class and the 2-D Art Methods class to develop the design and create the collage using the patterned papers. The collaborative effort resulted in a vibrant collage that spotlights the role educators play in society. 

鈥淒esigning a community-based mural and involving as many EdTerps as possible was very meaningful to me,鈥 explained Brown. 鈥淭his project not only represents the college's vision for the future of education but also our ability to come together to create something breathtaking.鈥 

The 鈥淭ransforming the Future鈥 mural is located in the Benjamin Building, Tawes-facing lobby. 

Transforming the Future Mural